Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lock-update... ehh Blog-update

Fresh pictures of the Lock; 30.5 metres long, 5.15 metres wide on a sunny Saturday morning.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

A new lock-keeper in town

Today starts my holiday-job as a lock-keeper / lock-operator.
Officially it's my parents' job, but whenever they have a holiday, i take over this job. The lock is situated in Woerdense Verlaat, the Netherlands.

Readers of this blog are welcome for a visit or so...
Opening hours are from 9 in the morning until 8 in the evening.

I'm hoping for nice weather the next three weeks.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Just me and the Music, Take 1

A few days ago, i posted my first YouTube-clip to my Youtube-channel It's a live-Jam on my electronic equipment, not perfect, and no post-production, but a nice try... As live as life can be... enjoy ;)